Patients First

A UX Case Study

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The Challenge

Health care centres are overburdened and patients do not receive the care they need in a timely manner.  Patients are frustrated by long wait times, hallway medicine and rushed medical attention.

Guiding Design Question

How might we proactively guide patients with urgent medical conditions to healthcare providers and/or centres with the shortest wait times to ensure that all patient’s medical needs are treated as efficiently as possible?


About the Project

Timeline: 2.5 weeks
Role: UX Designer & Researcher
Tools Used: Sketch, InVision
Platform: iOS


Patients First allows patients to search for clinics by distance and estimated wait times. Patients can learn about available medical care in their vicinity, their services and wait times, to support positive patient outcomes and timely care.


Process Overview

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Secondary Research Key insights

Secondary research was performed to develop a greater understanding of pain points and challenges, as well the goals and motivations of patients.

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Primary Research Objectives

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As a result of my secondary research findings, I wanted to learn what health care providers adults visit when they have access to both a primary care physician and alternate care, and how the acuity of their situation and their knowledge of care options impacts their choices.


Interview participant criteria

Four individuals meeting the below criteria were interviewed to learn about their motivations, actions and feelings with regards to seeking medical care.

  • Age 18 - 70

  • Must have a primary care physician 

  • Must have access to multiple avenues of care (primary care physician, hospital, clinics, Telehealth Ontario, etc.) 

  • Must have sought unplanned care outside of primary physician in the last 8 years


Interview Insights

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Patient Persona: Shannon Cooke

A persona was created to reflect the data and insights obtained during user interviews and the research.

Persona Biography

Shannon is experiencing a low acuity, but urgent medical issue and needs to visit a clinic, as her primary care physician is unavailable. 


  • Seek medical consultation for a low acuity, but urgent medical issue quickly

  • Determine wait times for treatment before selecting a medical care centre


  • She is not familiar with the care options available

  • She does not know which care option will be the fastest, most convenient or which will provide the best care

I’d rather go to my primary care physician, but when I need urgent care I’ll visit a clinic or hospital. But there’s always a line up. I just want to be seen quickly and go home!
— Shannon Cooke

User Stories

As a patient seeking urgent medical care for a low acuity condition…

Epic: Selecting a Clinic

…I want to filter by services provided onsite, so that I can make an informed decision based on my condition and effectively self-triage.

…I want to filter clinics by location, so that I can select a clinic that is relatively close in proximity.

…I want to filter clinics by rating, so that I can see which clinics have had the best patient ratings.

…I want to see estimated wait times in real time, so that I know how long it will take to be treated at different facilities.

Epic: Logistics

…I want to be advised of the best route to get to the clinic, so that I can get there quickly, in order to be treated quickly.


Task Flow: Clinic Selection

Shannon needs medical care for an urgent, but low acuity medical condition, but she doesn’t know where to go. She uses the app to find a medical centre that can provide the appropriate care, in a timely manner.

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Sketches & Ideation

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Insights: POP User Testing

As a result of testing the paper prototype, the following updates were made when creating the digital wireframes in Sketch.

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Digital Wireframes: Version 1

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User Testing key insights: Version 1


Digital Wireframes: Version 2

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Usability Testing Highlights: Version 2

Concluding thoughts

Users have preconceived mental models, and it is so important as designers we try to work with, rather than against these mental models. Many of my testers were Android users, while this app was designed with iOS in mind. As a result, many testers struggled with some of the functionality and gestures. More consideration regarding the design system and functionality is essential, prior to continuing with further design iterations and testing.

Future Opportunities

  • Appointment bookings via the app for a future time

  • Registering with a clinic via the app before arrival

  • Providing real time directions with instructions