Testing tilr’s Mobile Job Seeking ApP

A Usability Testing Plan & Results

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tilr automates the job seeking and recruitment process—using an algorithm, tilr matches job seekers to employment opportunities based on skills.
Note: tilr is only available in the USA.


tilr was searching for a meaningful way to support job seekers as they look for new roles and research opportunities. Job seekers struggle to find work that matches their skills and want to know how much their skills are worth, what they can do with them and where to focus their development.


The Problem & objectives

tilr’s job seeker mobile app has not been tested to date. Usability testing is required to:

  • Gain insights regarding how job seekers use the app, to inform recommendations and influence design updates and new features, improving user experiences,

  • Assess the main functionalities of the tilr app and identify major usability concerns,

  • Validate and refine target user personas and understand how features should work to better meet specific user needs,

  • Establish a baseline user performance and user satisfaction measure of the app.


Timeline: 1 week
Role: Led usability testing plan design, execution, analysis and development of recommendations with support and input from my colleague Sara Farnell
Tools: Google Meet, InVision